3 stage envelope generator. 

A simple discrete analog 3 stage envelope generator with 2 selectable discharge capacitors. The first being a short, snappy attack with a maximum length of about 4 seconds and the second being longer, approximately 25 seconds. The attack is linked to the sustain, so while sustain is at zero, the attack must also be at zero otherwise no envelope will be generated. When the sustain is up, a slow attack will rise to the level where the sustain is set. The output is attenuverted, capable of producing both a positive and negative envelope. 

Manual controls:

  • Attack 
  • Sustain 
  • Release 
  • Attenuverted output 
  • Short/long switch 

Cv controls:

  • Gate input 


  • Envelope output


+12v / -12v power requirement 

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